Jarvis program for computer
Jarvis program for computer

They do not develop or use programs, transactions, data, or processes that harass other users, infiltrate the system, or damage or alter data or software. They do not attempt to bypass any security system in order to access privileged information or alter existing interfaces.


They only use authorized copies in full accord with the license agreement and national and international laws. They do not make or use unauthorized copies of copyrighted or licensed programs or data. They respect the policies and procedures of external networks, such as the Internet and systems that can be accessed via the Internet. This includes all Jarvis Christian College-owned computers, i.e., computers purchased with College funds.

jarvis program for computer

They honor the intellectual rights of others by avoiding copyright infringement. They respect the privacy of others by not attempting to access their accounts or tampering with their data. When individuals log on to the College computer system, they become responsible for adhering to College policy and state and federal laws governing individual privacy rights and confidentiality. Use of administrative computers is authorized with the permission of the appropriate department head.Īccess to the JCC computer system is not a right, but a privilege. Those who use its computers do so at their own risk. Jarvis Christian College does not assume any liability for data loss. Anyone who is not a currently enrolled student or employee may use the public facilities only at the discretion of College staff. Within the limitations of lab scheduling, students have priority over others for use of the facilities. Jarvis Christian College administrators, faculty members, staff, and students may use the computers in all public computing facilities for research work and classroom assignments.

jarvis program for computer

Responsibility extends to access, use of information, and distribution of data. Users of Jarvis Christian College computing facilities and services are held to high ethical standards.

Jarvis program for computer